Private education


Faced with the public school realities of crowded classrooms, government privacy concerns (i.e. Common Core requirements) and overworked teachers with high teacher-to-student ratios, parents see private school as their best hope for providing a solid education for their children.

Private schools typically boast smaller classes, stricter discipline and a focus on moral development. Such benefits, however, do have a price which for many is worth it. Freedom from government funding and meddling (bureaucratic processes set down by politicians) that tend to hinder public schools, is why private schools are a promising option. Less governmental regulations enables the school to focus on the development of the child by providing academically-challenging and socially-enhanced programs.

Parents can expect to pay anywhere from $3,500 per year for a K-6 program to more than $18,000 per year for a high school preparatory program. Most faith-based schools are supported by their congregations and are able to provide a more affordable experience.
According to the Council for American Private Education (CARE), private school students scored higher on standardized tests, had more demanding graduation requirements and sent more graduates to college than public schools.

Private school education is good for students. It’s determined, according to a joint report by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) and the Bureau of Justice statistics that private school students “are significantly more likely than others to feel safe and be safe in their schools.”

Private education is also good for families as parents generally select a school that promotes the values they embrace.

Regardless of a parent’s choice of schools, children spend the greater part of their youth inside a classroom, which means that finding the right academic, social and moral fit for their child is of the utmost importance.

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